First Name*
Last Name*
Home/Cell Phone*
Address: Include, Street, Apt#, City, State, Zip*
Number of adults in the home:*
Ages and gender of children in home or visiting often:*
Do you agree to a home visit?
How many hours a day will your pet be at home alone?*
Does anyone in the household have allergies or asthma?*
Is everyone in the home supportive of your decision to foster and understand the importance of following all of the RU4Me policies and foster care instructions?
Number of cats in the home.
Ages of cats in the home.
Do any of your cats have medical conditions (i.e. diabetes, kidney failure)?
Have cats been tested for FeLV/FIV?
Are your cats declawed?
Are all pets spayed or neutered?
Are all pets on flea prevention?
Are pets indoors or outdoors?
Number of Dogs, ages and breed:*
Other pets in household (ferrets, birds etc. ) :*
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
In what type of home do you live Choose one: House Apartment Condo/Villa Mobile Home
If you rent, landlord's name and phone number:
Please describe any pet restrictions (Size, breed, number)*
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal Choose one: Yes No
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number
Do you have a room in which your foster(s) can be separated from other pets?
Will they routinely remain isolated or be mixed with your personal pets?
What kind of experience do you have caring for cats/kittens (including training, giving meds, socializing, bottle feeding newborns, grooming, etc )?
Have you been or are currently involved with another rescue group or humane organization?
Would you like to be provided with litter?
Would you like to be provided with food?
What brand of food do you currently use?
What is the length of time you can foster a cat?
I understand that RU4Me retains ownership of all cats and kittens in foster care and reserves the right to reclaim a cat and terminate foster care if they feel it is in the best interest of the cat.
I understand that I must follow all care instructions given regarding the fosters in my care.
I agree to notify the foster care coordinator immediately if I suspect any illness in a foster.
I understand that I will be expected to keep the cat/kitten secure and indoors only, return it to RU4Me when requested to do so and not promise the animal to anyone or imply that I have the authority to approve a potential adoption.
I understand that I will pay any just and reasonable amount to cover costs and expenses accrued by RU4Me in securing the safe return of a foster cat or kitten that was in my care, if it is determined that I gave or adopted out it to someone without written approval of RU4Me.
I understand that all veterinary visits must be to vets that are endorsed by RU4Me and must be approved in advance by the foster coordinator. Likewise, all medical expenses must be authorized for payment in advance by the foster care coordinator. (In case of emergency after hours, I must attempt to contact the foster care coordinator as soon as possible.) I understand that medical expenses not approved in advance are the sole responsibility of of me, the foster care giver.
I understand that all adoption and medical decisions regarding the foster cat or kitten in my care will be made by RU4Me.
I Am Aware That Community Service Is For A MINIMUM Of 6 Weeks
AFTER YOU HAVE CHECKED THE ABOVE STATEMENTS, PLEASE READ AND SIGN THE FOLLOWING: I have read and understand all of the statements above. I declare that the information given is true and correct and agree that if any false information has been provided, it may nullify my foster care contract with RU4Me and I will arrange for the return of all foster cats/kittens in my care to the foster care coordinator. Further, I understand that although RU4Me Pet Rescue takes reasonable care to screen cats/kittens for foster care placement, it makes no guarantees relating to its health, behavior or actions. I understand that I receive foster care cats/kittens at my own risk and I can refuse to foster or I can return (allowing the foster care coordinator a reasonable amount of time to secure another foster home) any cats/kittens for which RU4Me has asked me to provide care. I acknowledge that RU4Me is not responsible for any property damage or personal injury or illness suffered by me, members of my household including my pets, or third parties during a foster placement, and I assume liability to provide adequate controls to prevent such damage or injury. RU4Me reserves the right to refuse any application and will only contact those applicants who are approved. Please sign in box below.
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